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Acid Reflux Relief


Every day, countless people suffer from an uncomfortable and potentially harmful condition called acid reflux. Due to poor diet and lifestyle choices, acid reflux is a very common occurrence, but it is easily preventable.

Acid reflux affects at least thirty five percent of all overweight people, and is a serious issue for a vast majority of the general population. By understanding the condition, every one of these people will have the power to avoid triggering the effects of acid reflux.

* Heartburn due to acid reflux affects more than sixty million Americans at least once per month; that’s about one fifth of the entire population of the United States. Approximately twenty five million Americans, or one twelfth of the total American population, will experience the harmful effects of acid reflux and/or heartburn every single day.

* Heartburn is technically “incurable”; however, there are steps that can take to help offset your chances of developing the condition. If you worry that you are at risk for an acid reflux condition, it’s important to review the types of foods that you’re presently eating, and then take steps to change your habits. Fewer acid-creating foods means fewer acid reflux attacks.

* Smoking and alcohol are big contributors to the acid reflux problem. Regular smokers will find that the acidity levels in their stomachs are increased, causing the reflux that is already occurring to cause even more damage to the esophagus. Nicotine is also known to relax the lower esophageal sphincter muscle. This muscle, when operating incorrectly, is one of the leading contributors to the acid reflux condition. Alcohol can also weaken the lower esophageal sphincter, causing it to relax and allowing reflux to creep into the esophagus.

* While all individuals are at risk of suffering with acid reflux, certain groups face a higher likelihood of developing this painful condition. Overweight people, for example, are at greater risk. While sleeping, the weight of the abdomen causes extra pressure on the stomach. This excess pressure will weaken the lower esophageal sphincter, and acid reflux will occurs. Similarly, expectant mothers will experience pressure on the stomach created by the fetus. Elderly men and women also face a higher risk, and are advised to lower their occurrences of acid reflux by monitoring their dietary and lifestyle habits.

* When left untreated, acid reflux can lead to more serious consequences. When acid reflux is a consistent problem, then acid will be found continuously in the throat. This can cause major medical problems including esophageal strictures, Barrett’s esophagus, erosive esophagitis, and in the most extreme and rare cases, esophageal cancer.

* Acid reflux can affect not only your physical health, but your mental well being as well. Roughly eighty percent of all acid reflux sufferers will experience symptoms of the disease at night. In about seventy five percent of these cases, the person will actually wake up because of his or her heartburn. This interrupted sleep can cause serious daytime problems including increased irritability and lack of concentration, which may lead to decreased productivity at work and even motor vehicle accidents.

In the case of acid reflux, prevention is indeed the best medicine. Learn more about the disease, and you’ll increase your ability to reduce the harmful effects on your body. In some cases, you may even be able to prevent acid reflux from occurring.

Be Healthy And Happy With Outdoor Family Games

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According to the experts there are two things which are a problem in our society. First is that we’re not getting enough exercise. We spend too much time sitting around. We sit on the couch, we sit in front of the TV, we sit in the car, we sit behind our desks. We just do too much sitting. Of course sometimes we just have to sit, but we need to do less of it. Maybe we wouldn’t all be so fat if we moved around a little more.

We’re not exercising like Americans did back in the good old days. We need to walk, run, jog, or even just plain move around more. In fact, one recent American Cancer Society report states that lack of exercise is just as dangerous to your heath as smoking! And, people who don’t exercise are twice as likely to suffer from heart disease as people who get even modest amounts of exercise.

Years ago when John F. Kennedy was president, there was a craze that swept the nation resulting in large numbers of people walking or jogging. Some tried to see how far they could go in a day. Some went 20, 25 or even 30 miles in a day. Even four decades ago people were worried that we sat around too much. Today, no one is asking Americans to walk 30 miles. Just play an outdoor family game together.

The same experts that tell us we’re getting fat, also tell us that even a small amount of exercise each day has a physically beneficial effect. That’s one reason that outdoor family games are becoming so popular. They are reasonably within reach of even the most tight-fisted consumer, plus they are a good way to add some exercise to our daily routine.

A current favorite game is BlongoBall. It’s fun for everyone to play, it’s easy to set up and play-and it’s even easy to be a winner! No special skills required to thoroughly crush your competition.

The game is played by tossing a bolo constructed from two golf balls connected with a length of rope. The bolo is tossed at the horizontal rungs of a “ladder” type goal. Scoring is accomplished when the bolo wraps around one of the horizontal rungs. It’s easy to learn and fun to play.

There are lots of imitators in the “toss it, wrap it, score” game categories, but BlongoBall is the original. We’ve tested lots of these types of games and it seems like BlongoBall is the only one built to last. Some of them broke within minutes of being out of the box. So, use caution when buying a game in this category.

Secondly, the experts say that we’re not spending enough time together as families. While being wtih your family may not be part of your weight loss plan unless they cause you to lose your appetite, we are encouraged to be together as families as part of establishing heathy family relationships. Our family together time shouldn’t be just for doing the chores around the house, but parent should go out of their way to make family time a fun time.

Outdoor family games are perfect answers to the question of what to do for family fun time. Most families will enjoy a game like BlongoBall which is easy to learn and fun to play. Parents of teenagers enjoy BlongoBall because it is interesting and exciting enough to entice the teenagers to participate without being so difficult that younger or even older family members will be discouraged.

One of the things that makes BlongoBall one of our favorite outdoor family games is that not only can you play it in groups, but you can talk and interact with each other while you’re playing. Intense concentration is not required for effective play, but the game is still challenging enough to capture the interest of players of all ages and abilities. And-the soft rubber ball sets are ideal for playing indoors. This makes BlongoBall a year round favorite at many houses.

All in all, outdoor family games are a great idea not only for staying in shape physically, but for keeping your family in shape and emotionally healthy.

The Ultimate Anti-Aging Do-It-Yourself Project For Boomers


At 40 or 50, you are NOT middle aged! Remember, in the past century the lifespan has increased by 27 years. Therefore, it no longer makes sense to categorize yourself according to a model that is no longer relevant.

I found the following message on a discussion board:

“Those of us between 45 and 65 are not considered seniors - and yet many of us are not comfortable in gyms . . . We are truly a neglected group. Our local park districts have several senior exercise programs, even senior sports leagues. But we are too young to join them. At the same time, most of us simply can’t compete with the 20 and 30-somethings that populate most exercise classes.

Gyms need to go out of their way to be more welcoming to people who don’t fit the young and skinny mold. A big part of making a commitment to fitness is psychological, and when you feel you don’t belong, that the atmosphere systematically excludes and ostracizes you because you’re not 22 years old or you don’t weigh 102, then it’s extremely difficult to keep going back.

. . . we 40 and 50-somethings are not quite ready for senior citizenship. We want something more suited to our age than what’s found in the typical gym. But be very, very careful - I am NOT elderly, and I won’t be marketed to or treated that way. Can we find a middle ground for those of us of middle age?”

The above tells me the following about the writer:

1. She finds gyms forbidding 2. She understands that part of the commitment to exercise is psychological 3. She knows 40 and 50 somethings are not seniors, however - - 4. She considers 40-50 middle aged 5. She is adamant about not being considered “elderly” 6. She has a group mindset that affects/controls her thinking and behavior

It is the last item on the list above that merits comment first:

Managing the aging process is not a group activity. It’s nice to have support, and support helps, but ultimately, it’s a do it yourself project.

I would say to the writer of the discussion board message, as well as all 40 and 50 somethings who need group support to exercise (or to perform any activity):

1. Forget about finding acceptance in a gym populated by 20-somethings who don’t have an inch of flab on their tight bodies. If you must exercise in a group environment, then toughen up. Forget about the skinny kid on the bicycle next to you. You are not there to compete; your are there to do your own thing. You are there in response to a commitment you made to yourself, not to a group

2. Part of the commitment to exercise is indeed psychological. If you have made the commitment, you will do what you have to do, regardless of what others do, or where or how they do it.

3. The key to not being treated as elderly is to change how you behave and think about yourself. It’s important to see yourself as a strong individual who doesn’t need the approbation of a group to help you be who you are or want to be.

4. We will always have “marketing to the elderly” because being elderly is a traditional outcome of the aging process, and most people as they age will fit into that category.

5. At 40 or 50, you are NOT middle aged! Remember, in the past century the lifespan has increased by 27 years. Therefore, it no longer makes sense to categorize yourself according to a model that is no longer relevant.

There is a better way to think about the stages of aging, and it is found in Dr. Helen Harkness’ groundbreaking book, “Don’t Stop the Career Clock”. On page 79 she gives her contemporary model for aging:

Young adulthood: 20-40 First midlife: 40-60 Second midlife: 60-80 Young-old: 80-90 Elderly: 90 and above Old-old: 2-3 years to live

Knowing what you know about the lengthening lifespan, isn’t the Harkness model a more rational, motivating way to see your stages of aging?

My best advice to 40 and 50 somethings is to be strong, independent and committed to managing your aging process. Don’t categorize yourself. Realize that regardless of how much group support you have, no one but you can control how you age. It is indeed the ultimate “do it yourself” project.

Maximize The Benefits Of Strength Training

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At any given moment, there are thousands of people working out in gyms across the country and they can all be categorized in one of three ways: First, there is a small minority of experienced lifters who challenge themselves, training intensely with form and focus. The second is a group of intermediate trainees who have a degree of knowledge, work hard and have made some early progress.

In the third and largest group are beginners and usually they are completely lost. They don’t understand the principles of resistance training, don’t have a plan and don’t know how to perform the basic movements. They go haphazardly through the motions, flirt with injury, see minimal improvement and usually drop out.

IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY! The fundamental principles of weight training are simple. Here are the top five that will take you a long way toward becoming lean, strong and fit.

1. FORM AND FUNCTION. You have to understand the movement and the purpose of each exercise. To learn, you can refer to a book or one of many online video demonstrations. Forget about the “muscle mags”. The quickest way to get off to a good start is to hire an experienced certified personal trainer who is willing to teach you how to lift. With each exercise, make sure you understand exactly which muscles you are training and learn to feel them work.

2. SLOW DOWN. This is related to form but deserves special attention. Throughout the entire exercise, you must be in complete control of the weight. Most trainees perform the movements too quickly. When you swing a heavy weight out of control you increase the risk of injury, but you also allow inertia to do the work instead of fully challenging the muscle.

TEMPO is important. Because most trainees use a weight that is too heavy, they perform the exercises with rushed and jerky movements. SLOW DOWN. A good norm is to lower the weight to a count of three (3), raise powerfully to a count of one (1) and pause in the contracted position for a one (1) count before lowering again. This can be expressed as a 3.1.1 cadence.

3. COMPOUND EXERCISES. You should be training to develop full-body, functional strength and conditioning. Also, you probably want to burn calories and lose weight. This is done by emphasizing basic, compound exercises. These are the ones that work the body’s largest muscle groups in conjunction with one another.

Primary muscles are the quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus, back, chest and shoulders. The primary compound exercises are squats, deadlifts, bench presses, rowing and overhead presses. DO NOT waste time doing isolation exercises for biceps, triceps, forearms and the individual small muscles of the shoulder. These are worked adequately as part of the large compound movements.

4. USE THE CORRECT WEIGHT. Beginners use too little weight and then, if they are bold, progress to using weights that are too heavy. The definition of the correct weight is one that challenges you to work VERY HARD on the last repetition of your exercise but allows you to do so in PERFECT FORM. If the weight is too light you will not overload the muscle sufficiently to stimulate growth. If the weight is too heavy you will cheat, swinging and swaying and allowing inertia to do the work for you.

5. EXERCISE PERSISTENCE AND PATIENCE. All good things are earned and take time. PERSISTENCE says that consistency is critical and that you will see real results in about twelve weeks if…. you DON’T SKIP WORKOUTS and if you challenge yourself to work hard during every session.

PATIENCE says that you should not switch to a new workout plan every time you see one in a magazine. Give your current routine a chance to work. Patience also says that more is not necessarily better. You need at least forty-eight hours rest between weight workouts and when you are stronger you may need seventy-two hours or more to recover. Remember that plenty of rest and a diet of fresh, unprocessed food provides a foundation for all of your hard work.

Resistance training is the fastest way to lose weight, change your body shape, increase strength and improve your health. You can do it if you learn to make a sport out of it (or better yet, a game). Take the time to learn proper technique, apply a high degree of vigor to every workout and see just how good you can get.

And always remember… “Be Strong…. Be Lean”.

How To Choose The Best Weight Loss Program


You have tried losing weight on your own and you have even had some success. But life is hectic and stressful and in time, the pounds always creep back. Now you weigh more than you did a year ago.

This is discouraging and depressing and like many others you might be thinking that you just can’t face another diet alone. When you were at the end of your rope did you ever consider the support of a formal weight loss program?

For many, this is a good idea. By having professional guidance and an organization as your “buddy” you have a much better chance of success.

BUT BE CAREFUL! Not all programs are created equal. If you want to choose wisely, here are six questions you should ask.

1. DOES THE PROGRAM EMPHASIZE OVERALL FITNESS AND GOOD HEALTH? If the advertising emphasizes dramatic before and after photos with claims of the ease and speed of pounds lost per week, beware. Average weight loss during an extended program should not exceed two pounds per week. This is equal to fifty pounds in six months or one hundred pounds a year. Is the goal of the program to achieve a normal bodyweight as the natural result of a balanced lifestyle that promotes health and fitness?

2. IS THE MEAL PLAN PALATABLE AND NUTRITIOUS AND AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL GROCERY? Your first consideration is that the meals on a plan include a variety of tasty foods that supply all the nutrients necessary for long-term health. This eliminates menus that prohibit entire categories of food or limit portions to the point that you are always hungry. Some plans “do it for you” by providing prepared meals and snacks to manage what and how much you eat. This is easy and effective (and expensive) but your success is dependent upon the prepared meals. How long do you plan to buy prepackaged food? What happens when you start shopping and cooking for yourself and return to eating out? See number three below.

3. IS THE PROGRAM BASED ON LEARNING HOW TO CHANGE DIETARY AND LIFESTYLE HABITS? Lifestyle behaviors can be “relearned” and this should be the backbone of any good program. This is the only way that you will become permanently lean, fit and healthy. This is the only way that you can walk away, free of the oppressive burden of lifetime, yo-yo dieting.

4. WILL YOU LEARN HOW TO DEAL WITH SITUATIONS THAT CAUSE YOU TO BACKSLIDE? Will you have live support when the going gets tough? Will you learn strategies to deal with lifestyle saboteurs when they arrive to ruin your plans?

5. IS EXERCISE A PART OF THE PROGRAM? Exercise is an indispensable part of a balanced fitness plan. Exercise provides a big metabolic boost to losing weight and simultaneously reduces stress and elevates your mood. Equally important however, is that exercise prevents the loss of lean muscle mass during periods of reduced caloric intake and is also critical for long-term weight maintenance. See number six below.

6. ARE THERE FOLLOW-UP PLANS TO HELP YOU KEEP THE WEIGHT OFF PERMANENTLY? People experience different learning curves when it comes to changing their lifestyle. No matter how effective a plan is over the short-term, you have wasted your time, effort and money if you have to start from the beginning over and over again. Make sure that the plan you choose emphasizes permanent weight loss and has a system to support your efforts until you are comfortable going it alone.

Optimize Your Health With A PH Balanced Diet


Optimizing your health with a pH balanced diet is the natural way to obtain the maximum positive health benefit for the long term. The basic concept of a pH diet is to maintain the ph balance of nutritional food intake close to 80% alkaline with 20% acidity. The main objective of a pH diet is to create the equivalent of the pH level in the bloodstream by introducing alkaline foods into your diet.

Granted for many, the initial idea can be intimidating because of the foods that have become commonplace in society are found to be high in acidity. Identifying readily available sources of alkaline foods is your first defense in acquiring optimized health. Benefiting the most from a pH balanced diet can be as simple as becoming aware of your options when considering your choices of alkaline foods.

Alkaline foods have an energizing result on the body. Alkaline foods counteract the acidity we put into our bloodstream everyday, allowing our bodies to regenerate and restore damaged cells naturally.

Identifying foods that cause the alkalizing benefit in the body, you can introduce a healthier diet by complimenting the pH levels already established in the bloodstream. By doing so, you have prevented premature aging and illnesses from developing.

Normal pH balance of the human body is 7.35 to 7.45. Levels of pH7 and higher are measured as alkaline.

While meats derived from animals are acidic, fresh vegetables and fruits are considered as stables in a well thought out pH diet plan.

Vegetables that have a positive effect in your pH diet are broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, garlic, green beans, peas, lettuce, onions, tomatoes and peppers, to state a few. While standing in line for that next burger, ask if they wouldn’t mind; Piling on the veggies.

Vegetables may be acceptable to the adult seeking optimal health through a balanced pH diet but, our younger counterparts may think differently. As Mother Nature has it, she has also provided the perfect remedy. Fruits have the pH balancing effect on our bodies as well.

Alkaline fruits are: apples, bananas, berries, cantaloupe, cherries, grapes, lemons, limes, oranges, peaches, pears, pineapple, raisins, and strawberries to name a few. A variety of fruits make the perfect snack for any little one eagerly awaiting for the hand out.

Minerals are also vital to your daily diet. Minerals that have an alkalizing impact on the body can aid in the overall balance in your pH diet. These minerals include: cesium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Because minerals are essential to your health but, rarely acquired in an adequate amount through our daily food intake, a balanced supplement may be in order.

The purpose of a pH balanced diet is to have your alkaline (fresh vegetables and fruits) diet richer than the acidic counterpart of your diet. When actively practicing a suitable pH balanced diet, your body will perform with peak altitude, giving you the ability to ward off illnesses in a preventive and natural environment to your body.

The Forgotten Ocean Wonder Sea Vegetable Kelp Health Benefits


Kelp has been described as an “Ocean Wonder” due to kelps health benefits. There are many positive signs that highlight health benefits of kelp from it’s ability to regulate the thyroid, to it’s ability to help stave off the common cold or even the influenza virus. There are also many topical benefits of kelp when it is extracted and made available in its liquid form.

Digitata Laminaria is renowned as the most prized kelp on the planet. Growing wild in the pristine waters of Nova Scotia, this species of kelp contains the highest levels of vitamins and minerals to provide an optimal Kelp Health Benefit. The availability of kelp health products is becoming more and more common, as studies and reports emerge extolling the virtues of this amazing and abundant plant. Kelp can be eaten raw, you can find it now in pill and capsule form, however the latest technology which provides the greatest kelp health benefit due to it’s greater bio-availability, is liquid kelp.

Certification of these Kelp Health Benefits are derived from:

1- Easy to ingest - 1/2 oz for an average adult

2- Greatest Bio-availability - Liquid Kelp is assimilated far quicker than pills or capsules

Studies have shown that Breast Cancer is one of a number of maladies the health benefits of kelp therapy have proven to be successful with.  Since the 1920’s Breast Cancer death rates have barely changed.  Surgical procedures, chemotherapy, mammography, and radiotherapy haven’t changed the rate of death from Breast Cancer, only fattened the wallets of researchers, doctors and drug companies 85 percent of adult females that get breast cancer will die from causes directly interrelated to breast cancer. (Author: Doctor. David Derry)

Studies are already afoot regarding the affect of natural iodine from kelp upon cancer prevention and reduction - many are showing very promising health benefits of natural liquid kelp. As breast cancer rates nationwide continue to skyrocket, more people are interested in early intervention or prevention. Dr. Deny’s theories of kelp health benefits, based on extensive critical review of published medical literature in combination with his experience as a clinician, are not his alone.

In fact, research is already underway on the impact of iodine on cancer prevention and reduction-a VERY important kelp health benefit. Dr. Derry proposes supporting the body’s natural immune system and metabolic health with proper thyroid levels, and combining that with the intake of a small daily dose of iodine-another Kelp Health Benefit.

Realizing that a diet rich in kelp might lessen the danger of estrogen-dependent diseases like Breast Cancer, health researchers at UCLA Berkeley, demanded a significant increase in scientific research into kelp health benefits

Smart Food Choices Will Support Colon Cleansing


A diet rich in fiber is a vital part of the basic platform for cleansing the colon. There are many colon disorders such as constipation, diverticulitis and chronic constipation that are easily cured by a diet rich in fiber. Just by choosing the right foods you can prevent disease and live a healthier life.

Fibrous foods provide roughage that keeps the accumulated waste products moving through the colon and help to stimulate peristaltic action. This gives waste an easy passage out and deceases the risk of intestinal problems. The soluble and insoluble fibers will provide the bulking and scraping agents necessary to prevent putrefied waste and mucoid plaque build up.

The key to good health starts in the colon and the benefits are felt and seen throughout the entire body. Your body will balance itself and be able to rid the body of aggravating and annoying symptoms and conditions like weight gain, blood sugar issues, skin ailments, gas, bloating and even bad breath. Even cholesterol levels can return to normal. The benefit of a successful cleanse are incredible and very motivating. Increased energy and conditions that disappear will allow you to enjoy life not suffer through it.

Eat raw green leaf veggies like kale, chard, collards, dandelion, mustard greensthese types of greens hold the most nutritional value and contain the fibers you need o properly digest and eliminate your food. Add flax seed to your salads and use apple cider vinegar in your dressing.

Eat whole grains like quinoa, and millet. Fresh berries and melons provide enzymes that support digestion and absorption. While organic beans such as black, kidney, pinto and garbanzo provide protein that’s cholesterol free, low fat and high in fiber. Avoid caffeine, chocolate and junk food. Stay away from refined foods especially sugars. Artificial sweeteners and other additives are unhealthy and are nutritionally empty. Maple syrup and honey can be used in small amounts. Raw nuts and seeds are also good choices.

There are key ingredients in a cleansing program that will target the toxins that you have stored in your body. Your dietary intake with help assist with this also. Making sure the colon is clear and the toxins can be properly eliminated is an important part of your cleanse. Flushing these toxins out is a big step toward re-balancing your body. Easier bowel movements and mental clarity are part of the benefits. Your skin will glow with your new found inner health.

Be smart and choose foods that are cleansing and nutritious. This will allow you to get the most out of your cleanse and keep your colon in good health. The right foods will continuously encourage natural detoxification which will allow your internal organs to function properly.

Detoxologie.com, known as one of the leading companies that develops natural body cleansing programs, recently formulated an extremely effective and organic set of products that cleanses the colon, rids the body of parasites while replenishing the body’s required nutrients.

Tennis Elbow - But I Don't Even Play Tennis!


Tennis elbow is an inflammation of the outside of the elbow, technically named lateral epicondylitis.

The pain of tennis elbow is caused by inflammation of the tendon and periosteum (the outer layer of the bone) where the tendon from the back of the forearm joins the humerus (upper arm bone). The tendon connects the bone to the muscles that straighten the wrist. Any tension on that muscle - for example from a tennis backhand - will cause pain.

It is not just tennis backhands that put a stress on the muscles of the forearm and their attached tendon. Activities such as using a screwdriver, typing, or writing can all cause the typical tennis elbow pain.

Since tennis elbow affects the straightening of the wrist, you can test for it by lifting a weight, such as a book, with your palm facing down. Any pain in the outside of the elbow suggests you have tennis elbow.

As you can see, tennis elbow is ultimately caused by overuse of the wrist extensor (straightening) muscles which, by means of the tendons, connect to the elbow. Classically this is caused by the tennis backhand but, as we have seen, can also be caused by other types of repetitive activity.

Too much tension in the muscle group can also cause a decrease in the joint space in the elbow and actual inflammation of the joint. In time this can cause not just the typical pain from the epicondylitis, but also from the elbow joint itself.

Treatment usually involves taking anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant medication, along with some lifestyle modification. Also used are physiotherapy treatments such as TENS, laser therapy, ultrasound, and interferential current.

Chiropractic treatments are also helpful. These include soft-tissue techniques such as Graston, active release, or cross-fiber friction massage. Chiropractic adjustment of the elbow joint, can also bring relief.

The aim of the chiropractic adjustment is to momentarily separate the joint surfaces in the elbow by just one to three millimeters. This takes the pressure off the joint, and eases the pain. It may be that some manipulation of the wrist can also help.

As we have seen, it is tight muscles that cause the elbow pain. But if the wrist tightens up, the muscles have to work harder, thus putting more tension on that lateral epicondyle. So keeping the wrist supple and flexible should help to ease the condition.

The use of a tennis elbow band may also prove effective in decreasing symptoms. This works by forming an artificial origin for the muscle before it crosses the elbow. This allows a decrease in tension of the wrist extensor muscles as they cross the elbow which eases tension on the lateral epicondyle and decreases pressure on the elbow.

Rest would, of course, be ideal. But sometimes some lifting has to be done. In that case , be careful to make sure that you only lift with the palm of the hand turned upward. This causes the wrist flexors to be used more than the wrist extensors.

Two things that have been found to help is to limit salt intake to help reduce water resorption in the body and to supplement with Vitamin B6.

It is best to check with your medical doctor or chiropractic professional if you feel that you have this condition for with proper assessment, a treatment plan can be initiated will help with accelerated recovery.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Is Surgery Really Necessary?


Carpal tunnel syndrome is defined as a condition involving numbness, tingling, weakness, pain and/or muscle wasting of the hand along the distribution of the median nerve. This relates to the thenar or thumb-side of the hand.

Surgery is often recommended as the best treatment. However, it is a serious undertaking, and sometimes a more conservative approach might be better. To know what route to take, we first need to have a good understanding of the different causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

The wrist is formed by four bones, the carpal bones, which make an arch across the back of the wrist. This arch is spanned by a strong ligament, the flexor retinaculum, which forms the front of the wrist. The space between the bones and the ligament is the carpal tunnel.

Through this tunnel pass a number of crucial structures, including the tendons that bend the fingers, and the median nerve. With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, this nerve gets squeezed and compressed. The result is a decrease in its conductivity, meaning the nerve does not function as it should.

The median nerve supplies the palm side of the hand including the thumb and the first three and a half fingers. It also supplies the tips and the backs of the same fingers. When the nerve gets compressed, it is only in this area that symptoms are felt. So, if you are getting symptoms in your little finger, for example, then that is NOT caused by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is usually done by EMG (electromyelogram) which measures the conductivity of nerves. If the median nerve is compressed (as in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) then this will show up on the EMG test.

This entails putting one electrical probe into the median nerve on either side of the carpal tunnel. An electrical current is then put into the nerve on one side and checked to see if it is picked up by the probe on the other side. If the current is diminished to a great degree, it is deemed that carpal tunnel syndrome is present.

The surgery for this condition would then include cutting some of the flexor retinaculum to allow less pressure on the median nerve by essentially expanding the carpal tunnel. This procedure may often help to decrease the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, but is it the only option? Absolutely not.

There are two main reasons for carpal tunnel syndrome to present itself. The first is a deterioration of the joints between the carpal bones leading to a collapse of the carpal tunnel. The second reason is a swelling of the tendons which pass through the carpal tunnel taking up too much space resulting in compression of the median nerve.

The problem with using solely EMG to determine the presence of carpal tunnel syndrome is that it doesn’t differentiate between the two causes. This leads to a lack of differentiation of treatment which may, in turn, result in unnecessary surgery.

If the problem is arising from tendonitis, I believe it is much better to treat the tendonitis. The way tendonitis occurs is from having too much strain or tension placed on the tendon for too long of a time.

Repetitive use of a muscle often results in the muscle getting too tight. Since muscles are attached to tendons, this results on the tendon being too tight and that, in turn, can lead to tendonitis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Treatment for tendonitis can include stretching, pysiotherapy, ergonomics (eg typing posture), chiropractic manipulation, nutritional support etc. These are all a lot less invasive and have fewer side effects than surgery.

Surgery can certainly work. But my preference is to start with the simpler, less risky alternatives. If having tried those, things are no better, then by all means consider surgery.



Prior to describing just exactly what Plantar Fasciitis is, we first need to know which part of the foot it affects. And before we do that we need to have a clear understanding of the anatomy of the foot.

There are a total of 26 bones in the foot. The toes contain 14 of these bones with three per toe, except the big toe, which only has two bones. These bones are arranged into three different arches which assist the foot in negotiating alterations in terrain. These arches are labeled as the transverse arch, the medial and lateral longitudinal arches.

The main arch associated with plantar fasciitis is the medial longitudinal arch located along the inside of the foot. The plantar fascia is a thick, wide ligament which attaches to the calcaneus (heel bone) and travels to the metatarsal heads (balls of the feet) and into the toes. If the plantar fascia is placed under an increased amount of strain, the ligament begins to over-stretch and tear. If the foot is not weight-bearing for a prolonged period of time, such as while sleeping, the body begins to lay down scar tissue in order to try healing the tear. When the person stands up again, the plantar fascia begins to stretch and the newly formed scar tissue tears. This results in the notion that the first step out of bed in the morning is when the pain is at its worst.
There are two main methods for the plantar fascia to undergo an increase in tension. One situation that increases tension is weight gain. This may be due to inactivity, an increase in caloric intake, or pregnancy. The weight gain puts more strain on the bottom of the foot causing a stretch of the medial longitudinal arch. This results in over-stretching of the plantar fascia, leading to plantar fasciitis.

The second situation which could cause Plantar Fasciitis is having an improper walking gait or foot biomechanics. Normally when we walk, the majority of the weight is transferred from the outside of the heel to the outside of the foot. However with improper mechanics, the weight is transferred to the inside of the foot causing the plantar fascia to overstretch and tear once again.
The main problem that has been found with foot biomechanics is what is called an overpronation syndrome. Overpronation is when walking, we roll over too much on the inside of the foot. Doing so puts excessive strain on the above mentioned medial longitudinal arch and the tearing of the plantar fascia begins.

The treatment of Plantar Fasciitis can be accomplished in a few ways. The first of course of to lose the extra pounds which are adding to the problem. If this is not the case then paying a visit to your chiropractic professional to have your foot adjusted could well be in order. Don’t be surprised if you are advised to roll a golf ball or similar object under your foot to help strip away the scar tissue. But be careful not to roll too hard and bruise your foot in the process.
Our heels can move in two directions - diagonally forward and diagonally backward. As we walk the heel moves backwards from the weight-bearing pressure and tension from the Achilles tendon. A visit to your chiropractic professional could result in an adjustment which moves your heel forward to relieve plantar fascia tension and help alleviate your symptoms. If this is not effective, a pair of custom-fit insoles may be required to help straighten your walking gait.

Old Fashioned Ways That Help You Keep The Weight Off

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With news media showing us that being overweight, both in adults and children, causes some of the most serious health problems for our generation. There’s never been a better time than now to lose that extra weight you have gained. No matter if it’s from an over abundance of food during the holiday season, like Thanksgiving, to simply being unmotivated to begin a new exercise routine, dropping the pounds will have enduring health benefits and make you feel more confident.

However, it will take time so be patient with yourself if you don’t see fast results. You now see too many drugs and “wonder” diets now advertised. These are simply hunger suppression methods as opposed to healthy calorie controlled options. They may offer a “quick fix” and stop you from being hungry, and thus helping you lose weight, but the effects of it, being the equivalent of starving yourself, can have long term repercussions. Pills, and other quick fixes, prevent you from focusing on the crucial points of the reason your weight increased in the first place.

So despite what the drug makers want you to think, some of the most reliable ways to lose weight and maintain it are the old tried and true methods:

Diet- Okay, no surprise here, what you consume has a direct effect on what you weigh. Yet this isn’t as insane as it may sound you can still eat the same amount of food that you did prior, just in healthier and more frequent options. So, instead of a cookies for a snack, have a piece of fruit. And instead of over eating on one enormous meal that is harder to diguest, eat scaled down portions spread throughout each day. This can have the net effect of reducing calories without reducing food!

Breakfast- You may think that it’s an old wives tale that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it’s indeed true. Since the most active part of any day is usually between 11.00am and 4.00pm, having a good yet healthy breakfast will not only help keep starvation at bay but ensure that your metabolism has something to feed off. This in turn take care of any impulses for midday binges, which often are no more than unhealthy fries or burgers.
Eat Regularly- A number of men and women think that the less they eat, the less they will weigh. While this is true to a certain extent, it’s starvation and that becomes a concern. So, instead of not eating a meal, make sure you eat often, but with reduced sized healthy quantities of fruits and veggies, dairy and protein. This will make sure that hunger pangs are kept to a minimum.

Exercise- Again an obvious one, but one that is skipped. You aren’t required to work out 24/7 at the gym to keep weight under control. Simply enjoy a long walk with a loved one, or a swim. This helps to burn off excess calories and will have you feeling much healthier and happier.
By sticking to a controlled meal plan, yet still eating tasty food that is nutritious at the same time, in addition to exercising regularly, you’ll soon begin to not only see the difference, but feel it too. And once that occurs, you’ll never need to accept being obese again.

Our Future Will Be Paperless


I was overjoyed by a recent article describing how the Department of Veteran Affairs health system is now virtually paperless. An electronic patient database is something I’ve spoken of before, and I am always shocked when I hear of medical offices where computerization is not a fact of life. This technology saves lives:

“Electronic medical records make confusing and physically unwieldy masses of data instantly available, portable and searchable—altogether more useful than when the information was stored on paper. Computer-accessible records have the potential to save the cost-strangled American medical system billions of dollars in waste, repetition and error. They may also prove to be essential tools of research, allowing scientists to examine patterns of medical practice, drug use, complication rates and health outcomes.”

The article mentioned how after Hurricane Katrina, many veterans whose physical medical records were scattered to the winds, were able to get their prescriptions thanks to electronically stored information.

Given the Bush administration’s secrecy and surveillance on people’s privacy, I can understand the qualms some people might have over a national health network. However, the article makes the far more compelling point that electronic records “could enable clinicians to reduce the level of preventable deaths by 50 percent by 2013.”

That’s because the variety of ways records are currently kept are so complicated that communication between doctors and patients can be tragically short-circuited. I think all of us on the administrative side of this question have experienced the problems which can arise when trying to coordinate care with another doctor’s office.

My current place of employment is online and current, and I can speak from personal experience that it is the best way to deliver service to the patient. I think it’s the way of the future. It’s progress.

One of the practical benefits as far as I’m concerned is how it helps eliminate the possible problems caused by bad handwriting! We all know that doctors aren’t the most graceful people in terms of penmanship, and I welcome a medical record that is neat and cleanly typed.
Now, electronic medical records can mean many things to many people. We use a system that takes our dictations and places them in an online medical records system. This way, the doctors never had to change anything about the way they did things, but from one day to the next we found we’d entered the digital age. The EMR was actually free, we only pay for the transcription. It has actually proven to be one of those rare experiences where the company under-promised and over-delivered.

My Golden Years


Have you noticed that some mature men and women look so old and others of the same age appear much younger? It is true that there are many factors contributing to these differences. However, I believe that we can take charge of our lives and enjoy the golden years as a vital, active, healthy contributing person.

The following guidelines can assist you to set your intent to enjoy your senior years and make a difference in the world.

My Golden Years

I am:

1. Feeling grateful for everything I can do.
2. Looking for ways to give to others.
3. Allowing myself to receive.
4. Forgiving, and being kind and loving.
5. Patiently pursuing my goals.
6. Accepting people and things the way they are.
7. Sharing my wisdom with my loved ones when asked.
8. Choosing to think positive thoughts that help me feel happy.
9. Exercising and eating healthy foods.
10. Treasuring every day.
11. Enjoying my Golden Years.

There is a good chance that you feel better already after you have read the poem. Now I am going to expand on the different ideas.

1. Feeling grateful and expressing what you feel thankful about is a powerful, positive way to live your life. When you express gratitude, you also may be feeling pleasure, delighted, pleased, satisfied, appreciative, comforted, and even rejuvenated. All these feelings help you to relax which helps the body to continue to function in a normal way. Instead of focusing on what you cannot do, be grateful for what you can.

2. There is a law of the universe that what you give you will receive. Being generous with your money, time, and energy will bring it back to you. It may be from different people but it will come. It also feels good to give and those good feelings help you stay young.

3. When you receive you give the other person the gift of giving which feels good to them. You deserve to receive and you are worthy no matter what you have said or done.

4. Being forgiving is a loving act and creates healing for others and you. Anger and resentment hurts your body. Realize that we all do the best we can with the information we have. Be forgiving, kind, and loving to everyone, including you.

5. Having goals is a wonderful way to enrich your life and have reasons to live. Be patient and persevering and enjoy the process along the way.

6. “Acceptance is the Key” and “Expectations Are the Culprit” are the names of two lectures I have presented. Acceptance comes from love, and an expectation is derived from fear (guilt). It is actually saying that if you do or don’t do something you or the other person are not okay. True love is actually unconditional. It is caring and acceptance.

7. Even if you think that you have the wisdom to solve other people’s problems, it is important to wait until you are asked for advice, or ask first if they would like some suggestions. Telling people what to do often stirs up rebellion, anger, and frustration. Help others make their own decisions by asking, for example, “What are your choices?”

8. Your body reacts to your thoughts. Positive thoughts expand the body and negative thoughts constrict it. The body needs expansion in order to be healthy. Also, thoughts are magnetic and bring to you what you are thinking (the law of attraction). Therefore, if you want more positive things to occur, think more positive thoughts.

9. It is important to participate in exercises that are appropriate for your body. There are many books and articles available on healthy foods. There seems to be a consensus to avoid sugar, simple carbohydrates, caffeine, fried foods, and an excess of alcohol. Most experts agree to eat mostly vegetables, fruit, protein foods, and complex carbohydrates. They also advise drinking at least 8 glasses of purified water a day.

10. See each day as a gift to be alive.

11. Set your intent to enjoy your golden years and you will.