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Does An Orthodontist Need To Know Your Age?


Are you old enough to remember Cher? If so, do you remember what her teeth looked like when she first started out? I am probably the only person on earth with the same crooked teeth.

The good news: she got hers fixed, and so did I.

The bad news. I don’t know what her teeth look like now but I am having a problem with mine. In my case, it seems Mother Nature doesn’t like being shoved around and is trying to put my teeth back where she originally placed them.

My unattractive teeth have been the bane of my existence all of my life. As a child I remember looking in the mirror trying to decide how to smile so no one would notice my crooked upper teeth. My lower teeth are straight so I figured out how to smile showing my lower teeth while keeping the upper teeth covered. What a talented kid I was!

As a teenager, I was so bummed out by my teeth that I was convinced I would never find a husband. Of course, I did. While in pharmacy school, I picked off one of the choicest bachelors on the faculty. Dr. Morris knew a good thing when he saw it. (He claims he never noticed my teeth. Love is blind.)

As the years passed by, a procedure called “bonding” came into use that was effective in improving the appearance of crooked teeth. The only problem with bonding is that after a while, it wears off and you are back to square one.

At age 69 I decided to bite the bullet and had braces put on my teeth. Metal braces are ugly on kids and they were especially unattractive on me. (I could have believably played the role of “Ugly Betty.“) But it was okay. I knew that eventually, I would look fabulous. And indeed, the anticipated miracle finally took place.

Here I am at 78 and noticing that my two front teeth are “heading back home.” It’s pretty obvious so I decided that rather than wait for them to shift completely to their original position, I’d go to an orthodontist and try to stop what was happening.

But I’m thinking, “At 78, am I am crazy?” Imagine, I was thinking that even though I preach that you shouldn’t allow awareness of your age affect decisions you make about how you live your life. So I gave myself a mental smack on the side of the head and made an appointment with the orthodontist recommended by my regular dentist. (He knows my age and thought it was a great idea.)

Here’s where it gets cute. The young girl who answered the phone in the orthodontist’s office was very nice. She asked me some inoffensive questions and then proceeded to ask my age. I thought, “I’ll be damned if I’m going to tell her. What does my age have to do with straightening my teeth?”

I told her, “I’m ageless.”

“Excuse me?” she chirped.

Trying to be equally chirpy, I repeated, “I’m ageless. My chronological age is meaningless. I live my perceived age.”

She paused, probably never having heard that line before and with a little less chirpiness in her voice, countered with, “But when I mail the information you will need, I need to know how to address you. Should I say “Dear Parent”?

I laughed and assured her, “That’ll work!”

She laughed too, and reverting to full cheerful chirpiness, she chirped, “Well, okay!”

And okay it is.

My point in telling you all this is that I’m tired of being asked for information that is not necessary. If you pay cash or with a credit card, much of the information on a “new patient” form is not needed. So in addition to not divulging my age, I did not give up my social security number or driver’s license number.

Be fearless. Know when it is appropriate to provide requested personal information, and when you know it’s not necessary, don’t cave in. Sure, anyone can find anything they want to know about you in an instant. Privacy laws are a joke. But why make it easy?

And above all, never reveal your chronological age. If you are pressed to do so, tell your perceived age.

I don’t know about you, but I’m forty. On good days, I’m thirty. How old are you? I don’t need to know, but you should be ready with an answer when someone with a “need to know” asks, but doesn’t really need to know.



Welcome to my Holistic (the three) Medicine Tips! This online article has information, ideas, tips, and inspiration on how to heal from chronic disease. From time to time, look for a new article.
Please remember that these tips are only for educational purposes. They are not intended to substitute for or provide you with personalized medical advice. Consult your own doctor or health care individuals for specific personal advice.

The concept of the whole person parlays into understanding that when most people talk about “holistic health,” they usually mean that body, mind, and spirit are involved in health and healing. Caring for yourself at all of those levels will insure a healthful life and develop an immune system which will assist you in your healthful pursuits.

That’s a good basic idea. But unfortunately most people lapse into Western medical thinking - not true holistic thinking - in applying the mind-body-spirit idea. Western medical thinking is that when ill you are like a wagon with a broken wheel. Fix the broken wheel, and your wagon pulls along nicely.

There is a problem with the broken wheel analogy. Or at least, there’s something missing from it.

That is, you are actually an integrated whole being; today we understand that the function of DNA is based on communication and not just independent action of isolated genes. Your parts cannot be “fixed” in isolation, separate from the rest of you. In fact, the traditional, older systems of complementary and alternative medicine all believe, in one way or another, that your parts are all together in an interrelated, inter-dependent single being (you).

If you are out of harmony within yourself then you have the disease within your environment. Your environment is your interaction with social relationships and the rest of your surroundings. You are your own network of communication and healing.

Most all symptoms can be traced to a specific area of your system

What that means is that trying to force a body part to work or to stop malfunctioning (as with western medicine) is going to have effects on all of the rest of your body parts, your mind, and your spirit. There is a price to pay for ignoring the inter-dependence of your parts. That is, the “disease” needs to go somewhere else within you - block it from showing up in one place, and it will show up in another. Most likely, the new place will be one that is more closely inter-connected at a functional level with the one that Western medicine blocked from misbehaving.
How does the holistic healing or the interacting of wholes work differently? When a therapy is used holistically, it should re-balance you as an intact being, a whole network or system at once. Then the parts that seemed to be misbehaving, that is to be “diseased”, will start functioning more normally in their proper role within your being as a whole.

On a grand scale, it means that you should judge the long-term value of a treatment not simply in terms of short-term relief. You must also consider whether or not you will have residual side-effects or malfunction in other parts of your body - or will you feel better as a whole, overall as a person, in your well-being, your energy levels, and all of your inter-connected parts. That is the gold standard that you as an active participant need to consider when you choose to have or not have a particular treatment, be it mainstream Western medical or an alternative method in origin.

Take some time to ponder these thoughts with a touch of soothing comfort, a cup of tea to start your holistic healing

Take a sip:
21st Century Tea There are so many ways that our immune systems can be overwhelmed ... it’s in our air, our water, our food, our workplace, our stress. This blend of organic and wild herbs is not only helpful but comforting, strengthening and tasty. 1 part red clover blossoms 1 part nettle leaves 1 part pau d’Arco 1 part alfalfa & sage leaves 1 part St.Johns wort tops 1 part ginger root Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

“Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.”

Practical Aromatherapy: Brining The Therapeutic Use Of Essential Oils To The Mainstream


Therapeutic use of essential oils in the alternative health and wellness arena is on the rise; more and more people are venturing beyond mainstream 'aroma' therapy and finding the value in pure, therapeutic grade volatile plant oils. Education regarding the efficacy of essential oils in treating certain illness has is of utmost importance to advance their use in the United States.

Modern medicinal, therapeutic use of essential oils is finally being recognized in the US as a valid tool to compliment a diverse natural health, wellness and fitness program. There is still a significant amount of resistance to this science, mainly from ‘quackwatch’ type individuals, but it is suspected their true backing is from companies marketing synthetic chemical concoctions to address every conceivable ill. ‘Big Pharma’ for example, is THE industry with the highest average profit margins on earth, and is dedicated to producing, patenting, marketingd selling new, unnatural chemical compounds that are supposed to answer every need of health and wellness. With some formulations they do remarkably well; with others they appear to act with a total disregard for human safety and welfare, concentrating only beating Wall Street analysts’ profit estimates for the upcoming quarter, and moving stock prices ever higher. How effective, really, are essential oils in treating stress and disease in humans, and how can you learn more? Let’s review the current state of affairs, and see how you might investigate their use in your own natural health and wellness lifestyle.

The blatant derision of natural medicine is truly ironic, given that so many of today’s medicines are simple isolations of individual compounds of plants. There are HUNDREDS of plants that are known to contain anti-cancer compounds, for example. Many of these without the side-effects of chemotherapy (it takes a skilled, knowledgeable naturopathic doctor to develop an effective personal protocol for this type of work, but success is certainly possible). This brings us to the amazing derision placed upon the science of Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is truly defined as the use of highly volatile plant compounds to treat physical and psychological disorders. It may be that the term ‘Aromatherapy’ lends itself to being pigeon-holed into mystical ‘new age’ hocus-pocus, but in reality, it is simply the practice of using a particular class of natural compounds to improve one’s health, wellness and well-being.

The dichotomy of deriding aromatherapy for it’s unfounded healing potentials and extolling its virtues as effective medicine is curious. Take the recent ‘proof’ of enteric-coated capsules of Peppermint essential oil being extremely effective in treating the sometimes debilitating symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS. IBS is a result of unchecked growth of ‘unfriendly’ bacterial in a weakened digestive system. The modern conventional medical system has yet to uncover a useful treatment method. Enter the steam distilled essential oil of whole peppermint herb - taken in capsules as to be well tolerated by those with sensitive stomachs, and to be released in the region of most effect - the intestines. The treatment has been widely accepted mostly due to it’s ‘proven’ efficacy in controlled studies. The oil of peppermint inhibits the growth of ‘bad’ bacteria while not disturbing the delicate balance of ‘good’ ones in the colon and intestines.

Another widely-published effect of a particular essential oil is that of Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) for the treatment of oral and genital herpes. The herpes simplex virus, or HSV, is one that a patient is thought to have to live with for the rest of their lives once contracted. The virus remains dormant in the nervous system until times of stress reduce immune system function enough to allow recurrence of painful sores and legions. It is extremely unpleasant, and is thought incurable throughout much of the current medical system. However, in many university studies performed in Germany, Lemon Balm (as well as other combinations of essential oils containing the same ant-viral compounds) has been shown very effective at reducing the pain, duration, and frequency of outbreaks through topical application. One professor has even proclaimed that repeated use before and during outbreaks can lead to complete remission of the disease. Again, Aromatherapy to the rescue!

On the ‘soft side’ of essential oil use, that of inhalation or massage-based ‘aroma’ therapy, it is important first to note that MANY health professionals consider stress to be the number one cause of all disease. The body, lead by the mind, becomes overburdened in a variety of ways which lead to breakdown of particular systems (immune, circulatory, etc). Time and time again, Lavender and other essential oils have been reported by patients, even in controlled studies, to reduce stress levels. As the understanding of the mind-body connection to health and well-being grows, the importance of stress reduction techniques in natural health programs is coming to the forefront. Inhalation of essential oils is but one possible technique, but a powerful one at that. Upon comparison to Valium - the most ubiquitous of anti-stress agents in the Western world, a headline in the Journal of Essential Oil Research proclaimed “Lavender beats benzodiazepines” for stress reduction. This is one commonly-used anti-stress oil; others include the uplifting Citrus oils, and many other oils known to reduce stress and increase overall wellbeing.
Aromatherapy in a natural health, wellness and fitness regime is not a cure-all, miracle path to health, however. Like any other medicine or treatment, it has it’s place, and should be used when it provides the best combination of safety and efficacy. How do you find out if essential oils can help you, your friends or your loved ones? Educate yourself! There are several wonderful books available on medical and clinical aromatherapy. Some will deal mostly with the psychological aspects, others mainly in treatment of infectious illness, and others touch on every conceivable application. Buy them, get them from your library, borrow them from friends - but educate yourself as much as possible, and find a degreed practitioner if need be. But most of all, give Aromatherapy a chance. The particular class of plant compounds called ‘essential oils’, which just happen to smell nice, have as much validity as any other field of medicine, and deserves to be appreciated with the same respect. Whether they work for you is up to your own knowledge and dedication to the practice!

Genital Warts Updated


Genital warts (also known as ano-genital warts, Condyloma, Condylomata acuminate, or venereal warts) are highly contagious. They are transmitted during sexual intercourse and caused by some strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) affecting both men and women. Genital warts do not appear until two to four weeks after contact and sometimes months may elapse before the warts become visible. They are usually painless but may itch or produce a burning sensation. Genital warts are not life-threatening, but they can have an emotional effect, causing people to feel uncomfortable in existing or new relationships.

They often occur in clusters appearing as soft, moist, pink, or flesh-coloured swellings that can spread into large masses in the genital area. They can be flat. In the early stage of development, they are not visible so that at this time transmission may occur without a partner being aware of the potential for transmission. Genital warts can develop in the mouth or throat of a person who has had oral sex.

Genital warts are the most prevalent sexually transmitted infection seen at genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics in the UK. It is estimated that as many as 6 million new cases of genital warts are diagnosed in the United States each year. The condition is becoming more prevalent.
They can occur at any age but the prevalence peaks at 20-24 years. If a child develops genital warts, sexual abuse could be a possibility although it is possible that the virus may have been acquired during childbirth.

Until the 19th century, genital warts were believed to be a form of syphilis or gonorrhoea but we now know that certain strains of HPV prove to be the culprits. Genital warts are highly contagious. You have a 60% chance of getting the infection with a single sexual contact. Other common types of HPV that cause warts on the hands and the soles of the feet do not cause genital warts. Rarely, the virus is transmitted from a mother to her baby during childbirth (vertical transmission). It is a popular myth that you can catch genital warts from a towel, doorknob, a toilet seat or the swimming pool. They can be caused by strains 6, 11, 30, 42, 43, 44, 45, 51, 52 and 54 of HPV; types 6 and 11 are responsible for 90% of genital warts cases. HPV types that tend to cause genital warts are not the same ones as those that cause cervical cancer (types 16 and 18). Genital warts are only rarely passed on from warts affecting other parts of the body.

Genital warts are transmitted primarily by sexual intimacy, and the probability of infection increases in relation to the number of sexual partners. Smoking, oral contraceptives, multiple sex partners, and early coital age are risk factors for acquiring genital warts. Growth may be more rapid during pregnancy or when a person’s immune system is weakened by diabetes, HIV/AIDS, chemotherapy, Hodgkin’s disease or taking anti-rejection drugs following an organ transplant. Smokers are more likely to develop genital warts than non-smokers.
Genital warts per se do not cause any serious long-term health problems. They are associated with cervical carcinoma as a woman can acquire multiple strains of HPV. Medical providers consider any case of genital warts to be a warning of potentially pre-malignant and malignant conditions. Genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease and may, therefore, be accompanied by other sexually transmitted diseases.

No single treatment regimen for genital warts is better than another and no one treatment regimen is ideal for all cases. Two or more professional treatments are often required. Do not use over the counter cures for warts around the genitalia as severe irritation can occur. Genital warts can be treated by swabbing with the cell poison called podophyllotoxin. Before treatment commences, pregnancy should be excluded. The area should be washed and dried before application. Warticon is applied at home twice daily for three days each week for four weeks. The skin should be washed no more than four hours after application to reduce the possibility of local irritation occuring. Cryotherapy (freeze treatment), diathermy (heat) and laser are effective. Once an individual has been infected, the virus will be carried for life, even when the warts have been completely eradicated.

Most pregnant women, who have previously had genital warts, would be unlikely to have any complications or problems during pregnancy or childbirth. Unlike herpes, transmission of HPV to the baby occurs very rarely during childbirth so that genital warts are not an indication for caesarean-section unless they are so extensive that they restrict the birth canal. Some of the medications used to treat genital warts cannot be used during pregnancy, so it is important to tell your doctor if you could be pregnant.

If you have signs of genital warts, you should avoid sexual activity until the warts have been successfully treated. Condoms offer some protection against the virus, but they cannot completely prevent infection because the warts can be outside of the area protected by the condom. Spermicidal foams, creams, and jellies have not been proven to be protective. Women and men with more than one sexual partner, or if their partner has had more than one partner, should have regular examinations for sexually transmitted diseases, including genital warts. As with other sexually transmitted diseases, your partner must be treated as well, since an infected partner could easily transfer the virus back to you. Anyone with whom you’ve had sex should also be checked for genital warts.

The HPV vaccine, Gardasil, provides immunisation against the two strains of HPV that cause 70% of cervical cancer cases, and two strains of HPV that cause 90% of genital warts.

The Importance Of Taking Time To Rest, Relax, Sleep, And Exercise For A Self Confident Living


Recently, a friend of mine told me how he has been working so hard and not taking time out to relax, that he is now starting to feel the toll it has taken on his health. He didn’t take the time to fully recuperate when he first starting feeling ill. Now his health has gotten worse and he has no choice but to take time off to go to the doctor or doctors. He may also have to miss a lot of work whereas, if he had taken the time off to rest and fully recover, his illness may have been shorter but now he will probably have to take off more time to recuperate.

It was kind of a wake up call to me, as well as it was to him. He told me that if I didn’t start taking better care of myself, I would end up as sick as him. I go to bed way too late and I have been starting feeling exhausted. I am always tired and sleepy, and the toll of not properly taking care of myself has already started affecting my health. If I don’t take his advice, I may go down the same path.

I usually go to bed way too late because I am either over committed, in the things that I need to do or I have not been as efficient in my time management, while the kids are in school. I have a hard time with efficient time management. I am very good at wasting time, whether it is someone calling to chat, chatting with people when I bump into them while running errands, or chatting while just waiting for my kids to get out of school. I, unfortunately, just love to chat and socialize. There always seems to be so much to do. I try to run my errands, clean house, and work at my computer, when the kids are in school because if I don’t then, as soon as the kids get out of school, it is too late. There are basketball and baseball practices to drive to. This month, as been exceptionally crazy, with 20 baseball games (two during the week and two on the weekend) and at least 3-4 baseball practices a week (with two kids playing in the local league) and then 2 2hour basketball practices a week and a game 45 minutes away (for one of the two kids previously mentioned). There is also homework and projects to finish.

As I don’t don’t always finish all my work, when my kids are at school, I end up finishing the rest, after they go to bed. I then end up staying up late doing laundry, cleaning the house, and doing my work. It just seems endless. I also tell myself that it is OK to function on little sleep because I will catch up by the weekend. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen so I continue to run ragged. My self confidence suffers because I am not as efficient as I can be, as I am always exhausted. I feel like I am always trying to play catch up and not ever catching up. It is a vicious cycle.

My friend reminded me how important it is to make sure I have adequate sleep and to not run myself ragged like he has done. I decided, starting last night, to do the best I can everyday (as far as accomplishments, assignments or to do lists). I will set more realistic goals and say “no” more and not overcommit myself.

It is important to make time to relax, do some fun things, and renew your spirit and body for your health and well being. A fun way to relax is to plan a night out with some girlfriends, with other couples, or other families. I like planning potlucks and game nights, with other couples, at my house. I would take out my old board games, like “Outburst” and play the women against men. It was a blast! Another of my favorite ways to relax is to plan a night out going to dinner with a bunch of girlfriends. My kids like inviting their friends and their families over for a potluck and swim party. I have a girlfriend who take nightly bubble baths to relax and feel rejuvinated for the next day.

It is also important to have at least 7 hours a night of sleep. Recently, studies have stressed the importance of having enough rest. Sleeping is a way that our body is able to repair itself and for our minds to feel renewed or refreshed the next morning. We are then usually able to be a more happy, positive, and efficient. It also improves our self confidence and self esteem.
Lastly, it is important to start exercising. It makes you feel energized, you sleep better, you feel healthier, and you feel more self confident in yourself.

So by making and taking the time to rest, relax, exercise, and have adeqate nightly sleep, you will be healthier, more efficient, and therefore accomplish more. You will also feel self confident. You will also be able to enjoy life and have a more self confident and fulfilling life.

Essential Oils And The Emotions - A Direct Connection For Depression Relief


The use of alternative therapies is on the rise; more individuals are turning to the wisdom of nature for assistance for all types of ailments. Aromatherapy is gaining in both the number of practitioners and in reputation as a viable alternative modality. Clinical evidence continues to mount on the effectiveness of essential oils to affect the human psyche; here's a primer on their use for uplifting the spirit from mild to moderate depression.

Depression is a common condition, affecting millions of Americans across all walks of life. Many are seeking relief through natural remedies for mild to moderate depressive states; healing from, or transforming through, these states can be effectively supported with ‘alternative’ medicine, especially when precisely applied. Pure essential oils have been studied in clinical arenas for their efficacy in lifting mild to moderate depressive states, with promising results.

Clinical research has shown that natural, pure essential oils stimulate multiple regions in the brain, including those controlling endocrine, immune, and limbic (emotional center) functions. Essential oils have a direct and profound effect on the deepest levels of the body, emotions, and psyche. Through inhalation, essential oils have a strong and immediate influence. Passing through the capillary beds of the sinuses and activating the olfactory nerves, the oils’ vapor, produces direct and powerful effects - the most immediate being on the emotions. Our emotions and our sense of smell have very strong ties - perhaps more than with any other of the other four senses. It is said that your body will react to a smell on a physiological level (excitement, sedation, etc.) before one can make a mental judgement about it!

In both Naturopathy and Ayurvedic Medicine, essential oils are considered to enhance the flow of essential life force (the ‘Chi’) and brighten mental clarity and luminosity. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, essential oils in general are medicines for the Shen, the spiritual essence that resides in the heart. Used consciously, essential oils positively enhance mental and emotional states. Further, the medicinal properties of essential oils, through their ability to support healing of the physical body, can also be of great benefit to the heart and mind. A study on the effect of aromatherapy on pain in patients with arthritis found that receiving massage with essential oils significantly decreased both the pain AND depression levels.

Following are some oils that have a reputation for positively affecting Chi and Shen, directly influencing the state of the psyche and emotions. These oils can be used alone or in combination in a diffuser (nebulizers or cold-air diffusers are best), or in aromatherapy massage, thereby inhaled and absorbed through the skin concurrently.

Bergamot (pressed from the peels of bitter oranges) has a strong reputation for its ability to uplift the mind and emotions. In Chinese medicine, this is a result of balancing the liver energy or Chi; this organ being considered the center of the eternal soul. Bergamot has the ability to both relax the nerves and invigorate the spirit; it is suitable for many types of depressive states. Sweet orange, a close relative, works in a similar fashion, with a slightly sweeter aroma.
Neroli oil, steam distilled from the Bergamot tree’s flowers, also balances life force, and brings a sublime feeling of comfort. Neroli is called for where the depression is a result of nervous and emotional exhaustion. Neroli also assists in retrieving and releasing repressed emotions. Neroli is additionally indicated for individuals who, in order to escape from emotional pain and suffering, cut themselves off from their feelings and senses.

Chamomile is wonderful to use when the depression manifests in a moody, irritable, dissatisfied outward expression - generally ‘cranky’ - associated with stagnant liver-chi. This flower oil is earthy, rich, and grounding with subtle uplifting qualities. It is best used in a blend with other oils, subtly enhancing the depression-relieving effect.

When depression is of a Fire (overly aggressive) nature, it often involves an imbalance of (or distinct lack of) joy and love - the root emotions of the heart and mind. Joy is an extension of spiritual essence’s innate sense of harmony and perfection, an experience of emotional and spiritual well-being. Rose oil may have a profound effect on this state, and is thought the premier heart opening aromatic, bringing joy, uplifting and restoring balance.

The evergreen oils are freqently very pleasing to men. Fine grades of Spruce, Fir and Pine needle oils, Juniper Berry, and woods such as Cedarwood and Sandalwood are both grounding and uplifting. Diffusing these oils alone or in combination creates a welcoming, relaxing atmosphere, and many find these aromas help motivate them in completing otherwise arduous tasks at home or in the office.

What follows are a few recipes for uplifting and releasing depressed emotional states - use your intuition to find the right one. Most often in the therapeutic use of essential oils, the oil or blend you find most attractive will be the one that serves you best. Don’t be afraid to try new things, have fun, and enjoy yourself!. These blends may be used in a diffuser or in a massage base at 5% concentration (unless where a carrier oil is indicated) - blends with carriers are intended specifically for aromatherapy massage.

For opening the heart: 1 part Rose 3 parts Sandalwood 1 part Sweet Orange or Bergamot; also 3 parts Jasmine, 1 part Ylang Ylang, 1 part Sandalwood. For invigorating and inspiring: 3 parts Bergamot, 1 part Ylang Ylang, 1 part Grapefruit; also 2 parts Bergamot, 2 parts Clary Sage, 1 part Frankincense; also 3 parts Bergamot or Sweet Orange, 2 parts Clary Sage 2 parts Frankincense; also 1 part Lemon 1 part either Jasmine or Neroli. For nourishing or ‘comforting’: 1 part (Roman) Chamomile 1 part Vanilla 10 parts in the carrier oil of choice. For uplifting and softening with a floral and earthy aroma: 1 part Neroli 1 part Vanilla 1 part Orange 1 part Sandalwood; also 1 part Chamomile 1 part Bergamot 1 part Helichrysum.

In addition, the oils may also be effectively used individually. For depression with negativity, try Bergamot, Chamomile, Helichrysum, Neroli, Orange, or Spikenard. If there is a marked lack of joy, try Rose, Jasmine, Melissa, Patchouli, Rosemary or Ylang Ylang. If over-thinking and worry are causing blockage, try Cardamom, Frankincense, Lemon, Marjoram, Myrrh or Vetiver. For overwhelming regret and remorse, try: Clary Sage, Cypress, or Pine. When life’s demanding circumstaces become overwhelming, try: Rose Geranium, Ginger, Juniper or Thyme.

Essential oils can inspire change for many individuals; they may not be a complete therapy unto themselves for every person. Seek professional assistance in any case where one is losing the will to live, or any other seemingly impossible situation. Aromatherapy can be used concurrently with other treatments, and is likely to enhance the effectiveness of other antidepressant therapies; if under a doctor’s care, the physician should be consulted regarding any contraindications with a physical condition or medication.

Your Back Muscles And Low Back Pain


Soft tissues around the spine play a key role in low back pain. There is a large and complex group of muscles that work together to support the spine, help hold the body upright and allow the trunk of the body to move, twist and bend in many directions.
Types of muscles that affect low back pain

Three types of back muscles that help the spine function are extensors, flexors and obliques.
— The extensor muscles are attached to the posterior (back) of the spine enable standing and lifting objects. These muscles include the large paired muscles in the lower back (erector spinae), which help hold up the spine, and gluteal muscles.
— The flexor muscles are attached to the anterior (front) of the spine (which includes the abdominal muscles) enable flexing, bending forward, lifting and arching the lower back.
— The oblique muscles are attached to the sides of the spine and help rotate the spine and maintain proper posture.

Exercise to help low back pain

Back muscles—like any other muscle in the body—require adequate exercise to maintain strength and tone. While muscles like the gluteals (in the thighs) are used any time we walk or climb a step, deep back muscles and abdominal muscles are usually left inactive and unconditioned. Unless muscles are specifically exercised, back muscles and abdominal muscles tend to weaken with age. Physical therapy and exercise regimens to treat low back pain usually focus on strengthening the flexor, extensor and oblique muscles to help reinforce support of the spine and in turn, reducing low back pain and sometimes eliminating the need for surgery.

The role back muscles play in low back pain

When the facet joints or certain other structures in the spine become injured or inflamed, the large back muscles can spasm and cause low back pain and marked limitation in motion.
An episode of low back pain that lasts for more than two weeks can lead to muscle weakness (since using the muscles hurts, the tendency is to avoid using them). This process leads to disuse atrophy (muscle wasting), and subsequent weakening, which in turn causes more pain because the muscles are less able to help hold up the spine.

Chronic stress can also lead to muscle weakness and back pain. Stress causes back muscles to tighten in a fight or flight response, depriving muscles of energy needed to support the spine.
Muscles and proper posture contribute to low back pain.

Muscle strength and flexibility are essential to maintaining the neutral spine position. Weak abdominal muscles cause hip flexor muscles to tighten causing an increase in the curve of the low back. An unhealthy posture results when the curve is overextended called lordosis or swayback. Proper posture corrects muscle imbalances that can lead to low back pain by evenly distributing weight throughout the spine.

Television: Your Fitness Coach!


We all know that television is to blame for a lot wasted time but did you know that your TV can teach you three useful lessons about getting lean, strong and healthy?

“The hours of our lives, like sand through an hourglass....” So began every episode of an American Soap Opera classic, The Days of Our Lives. “Mindless television” you say, but perhaps we can learn something here about our priorities and our health.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m no fan of TV. Eight years ago, I had the opportunity to “cut my cable” and I never bothered to replace it. At its best, your television is a time waster and purveyor of mediocre entertainment. At its worst, it is an addictive villain that debilitates your body and numbs your mind. So, take aim…. but don’t shoot yet.

By carefully observing the culprit that’s killing you, you can learn more than you can from all that annoying “good advice” you’ve been getting about how you need to lose weight and get in shape.

Through the creation of “couch potatoes”, television is recognized as one of the main contributors to our ever expanding waistlines and flabby physiques. If you look closely, you will see how TV does additional damage in less obvious ways.
Television is not only “anti-activity” but it undermines creativity, initiative and productivity. Understand how this happens and you will discover three principles which can lead you to an active and healthy lifestyle. All you need to do is to see how TV works to mold your ways…. and then do the opposite:

1. TV IS A PASSIVE DIVERSION. It requires nothing of the body and precious little from your mind. What you don’t use, you lose; your muscles wither and the systems that support your body weaken in response to the lack of demand placed upon them. Your brain follows suit. Month after year after decade, the deterioration continues until finally, your machinery just grinds to a halt.

WHY NOT ENGAGE THE WORLD FULLY? Make active participation in life your mantra. Choose to always be actively involved. Don’t just daydream about your interests; pursue them and the more physically activity they require, the better. Shoot hoops, learn to juggle, volunteer to teach a class, try woodworking. Get interested in something and get involved. Physical and mental activity stimulates growth; choose growth and you choose to live.

2. TV IS VICARIOUS ENTERTAINMENT. In TV Land you can have it all; Heroic men, beautiful women and daring athletes live lives of excitement, glamour, mystery and romance. They will let you share their lives in your dreams. But as life passes you by, you will remain sitting there, living in your imagination and gaining weight every year.

WHY NOT PURSUE THE LIFE YOU DESIRE? Commit today to taking a single action toward making your dreams a reality. List the things that you would most like to change about yourself and your situation. Pick one of the smaller items. Put down on paper exactly what you have to do to make this a reality. Get help if you need it. Get family and friends on board to support your efforts. Set a date to get started and go for it. Now, do the same thing with a health or fitness goal. Don’t let the imaginary characters on TV live your life for you!

3. TV IS MANIPULATIVE AND SEDUCTIVE. Programming is cleverly designed to get your attention and keep you glued to your seat so that advertisers can work their magic on your mind. Commercial and social messages, both subliminal and obvious, mold your thoughts and values. (This is particularly evident among children and the uneducated). Of course this doesn’t affect you! Well, try telling that to yourself when, bleary-eyed and at an hour past bedtime, you reach for that big bag of chips, wondering when this terrible “B movie” is going to get better.

WHY NOT FACE YOUR REALITY? Take a long hard look at yourself. Beware the seductive power of self-delusion. The entire world is trying to manipulate your thoughts and actions, so don’t do it to yourself. Review that list of changes you would like to make in your life. Why has it taken so long to get started. How different would life be today if half of all your time spent watching TV had been focused on the attainment of a worthy goal? Make this the turning point when you honestly evaluate your physical condition. Need some help? Get a physical. Need some more help? Get a qualified personal trainer and buy a session with a dietitian.

One of the prime excuses people make for not taking care of their health is that they don’t have the time. If you are avidly following “American Idol” or another lap of NASCAR, you’ve got it made: All the time you need is right there in front of you. And it is encouraging to know that truly busy and successful people don’t watch much television!

Now that you’re about to get on the right path, please, go ahead and shoot the darn thing!

Helichrysum Essential Oil - A Magic Bullet For Sports Injuries


Helichrysum essential oil is highly regarded for it's anti-inflammatory and tissue regenerative effects. It's use is just catching on in treating sports injuries. Here is an in-depth review of the wonderful properties of this aromatherapy oil for alternative health, fitness, and wellness practitioners and active fitness enthusiasts.

Despite the image of Aromatherapy as lacking in scientific foundation in the United States, the use of pure, therapeutic grade essential oil for medical applications is common throughout much of Europe. The essential oil distilled from the flowers of Helichrysum Italicum is well-known for its broad range of actions, which can support healing of many common sports-related injuries. The essential oil’s compounds are known to prevent and relieve blood clotting (helpful for bruising), stimulate tissue regeneration, act as a powerful anti-oxidant, and can reduce inflammation. This combination of effects many help with injuries such as twists and sprains, bruises, tendonitis and the like. Any dedicated athlete would greatly welcome such a non-toxic, effective alternative healing remedy!

Medical aromatherapists understand the efficacy of essential oils for particular conditions; each essential oil has many, sometimes hundreds, of individual chemical constituents. Beyond the effects of each chemical compound within an oil, some oils efficacy is a clear synergy of the particular chemical makeup. Individual chemicals within essential oils are well-known antivirals, antimicrobials, anti-inflammatories, expectorants, mucolytics, anti-tumorials...and the list goes on. Some essential oils will contain synergies of these compounds; those prescribed for a certain illnesses may have individual molecules that are antimicrobial, analgesic, and regenerating all in the same oil. And what does this offer for the injured athlete? The potential of a natural compound offering a quick return to training and competition with no side effects, and maybe even faster healing than offered by a pharmaceutical preparation.

The physiological basis of many sports injuries, both chronic - from overuse - and acute, from impacts, twists and strains, have many similarities. There is usually some cells that have suffered structural damage - some enough that the cells will die and need to be re-grown. Inflammation is a common characteristic; most often from fluid leaking from inter- or intra-cellular spaces. This may be blood from ruptured vessels that gives the injury it’s tell-tale purple color; either way swelling will prevent proper perfusion - or nutrient and waste exchange - at the damaged site. This can lead to secondary damage - where cells around the originally damaged tendon, ligament or muscle cells are also becoming damaged by lack of oxygenation or nutrient supply. Further damage can occur through the over-production of free-radicals under such conditions. This is why immediate application of ice to an acute injury can have a substantial effect on the total damage and the speed of healing. The ice prevents the secondary damage associated with swelling and oxidation from occurring.

Now for a look at the synergistic actions of Helichrysum Italicum essential oil (there are several types of Helichrysum essential oil available - it is the Italicum, also known as Everlasting or Immortele, that has these particular properties. The plant has a relatively low oil yield, and is not a commonly farmed; hence the extra cost of this special variety. The Italicum species contains a significant amount of an effective anti-inflammatory molecule. Another 40% is made up of Esters with marked relaxing effects on tissues - relieving tension in injured areas and allowing natural perfusion to take place. The third major component is a di-ketone, which signals tissues to regenerate. These di-ketones are rare, and Helichrysum Italicum contains the highest known percentage.

As with the healing effect of most essential oils, it is the combination of effects from each molecule working together that can offer dramatic healing action. One professional athlete recently relayed an account of his use of the oil - after lack of success in treating achilles tendonitis, he was sure he was going to have to drop out of an important upcoming event. He had been taking MSM, using topical Dimethylsulfoxide, consuming oral anti-inflamates, and attempting to address the imbalance which had caused the injury in the first place - all to no avail. After learning about Helichrysum, he decided it was worth a try, and after three days of regular application to the tendon, the pain was gone and he was able to continue his training at maximum capacity!

While this is only one case, it is interesting that relief was found so quickly, and to a chronic injury that was otherwise difficult to treat. The scientific medical aromatherapy literature describes usage for acute injuries (such as recently twisted ankles, wrists, or areas bruised from impact) more frequently. According to Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt in Advanced Aromatherapy, “Everlasting oil is certainly one of the most astounding essential oils. Its very unique chemical composition along with (all) essential oil’s ability to penetrate into tissue and the circulatory system permit some spectacular treatments. Used for bruises, sprains, and twisted ankles - usually accompanied by swelling and subsequent hemorrhages - this oil proves practically to be a wonder cure.” He goes on to mention that the earlier the application of the oil following an acute injury, the more pronounced the heaing effect.

If you decide to try the oil for yourself, be sure of your source, and that the variety is correct one discussed here. The oil is appropriate for range of injuries - minor to major - though of course it is not a substitute for proper medical attention in any way. Using the oil in conduction with a prescribed therapy should be discussed with your doctor. The literature does state that the oil is very well tolerated, and can be applied directly to the skin undiluted. An application of a thin film a few times a day, as soon as chronic pain is noted, or an acute injury occurs, is best. The oil can be used on broken or damaged skin - in fact, it is included in formulas to reduce scar formation along with Rosehip seed and Hazelnut oils (a 5% dilution of Helichrysum in a 50/50 blend of these two base oils can be used to support wound healing). As with any therapy, be aware of how you’re body is responding to treatment, and consult a medical professional with any questions or concerns about it’s use. In summary, Helichrysum italicum essential oil is a gentle, topical treatment which may speed healing for many common sport-related injuries. It is regarded as a very safe oil and is worth a try if you are in need of such support.

Nurture Yourself By Giving And Receiving


Did you ever resist a friend’s offer to treat you for an event, movie, meal, etc.? I did. Many years ago, my girlfriend and I were sitting at the table and reading the menu of a fine restaurant. When Denise mentioned that she was treating. I smiled and said, “No you are not.” The persevering accountant smiled back and replied, “Are you going to deprive me of the gift of giving?” I was speechless for a few seconds. I had never thought about it that way. “That is brilliant!” I exclaimed.

From then on, I never again declined an offer for being treated, as long as there were no expectations. The giving I am referring to is unconditional. Denise enjoyed the good feelings that came with giving to others. I knew and felt that there were no conditions attached.

Some people won’t allow themselves to receive because they do not feel worthy. The truth is that we are all worthy to receive no matter what we did or said in the past. I suggest that you graciously accept other people’s unconditional offerings by expressing your gratitude. Then you give them the gift of giving and yourself the gift of receiving.

Do you enjoy giving to others? Are you resisting this pleasurable act because you are concerned that if you give they will feel obligated to you? I suggest that you offer unconditionally and if they resist you can smile and say, “Are you going to deprive me of the gift of giving?”

Balancing giving and receiving are ways to nurture yourself and reduce your level of stress. It is also a sign of higher self-esteem. You may give to someone and receive from another. Look for ways to give unconditionally, with no expectations, and it will come back to you. Allow yourself to receive and “fill up your basket” so that you can keep giving. Then you can be happier and healthier, and improve your relationships with everyone, including friends, relatives, and your children and loving partner.

The following are 34 suggestions of how to nurture yourself by giving and receiving.
Put a check next to the things you want to do.

I am unconditionally receiving by asking someone to:

___1. serve me breakfast in bed.
___2. give me a massage.
___3. be my chauffeur for a period of time.
___4. work with me on a project (hobby, chore, etc.).
___5. make all the plans for a date and surprise me.
___6. take pictures of me as I pose.
___7. feed me.
___ 8. wash my hair or back.
___ 9. call me and say something nice on my answering machine.
___ 10. sing or dance with me.
___ 11. take me away for a day or a weekend.
___ 12. tell me what they like about me.
___ 13. help me find something that I need or want.
___ 14. listen to my problem and offer me suggestions.
___ 15. take a walk, hike, or bike ride with me.
___ 16. pick up a DVD or video and watch it with me.
___ 17. help me cook something special.

I am giving unconditionally by:
___ 1. sending a nice card or letter to someone.
___ 2. telling people what I appreciate about them.
___ 3. giving a present (for no specific reason).
___ 4. bringing or sending flowers to someone.
___ 5. treating someone to a meal and/or a show.
___ 6. paying the toll for the car behind me.
___ 7. sending money to charity.
___ 8. volunteering my time.
___ 9. becoming a Big Sister or Big Brother.
___ 10. being friendly to someone who is lonely.
___ 11. inviting a lonely person to my party.
___ 12. calling someone from my past.
___ 13. giving a massage.
___ 14. serving someone breakfast in bed.
___ 15. doing a good deed.
___ 16. leaving a kind message on my answering machine.
___ 17. calling someone and leaving a complimentary message on their machine.

Now that you have some ideas of how you can give and receive unconditionally, include them in your daily schedule. Congratulate yourself for being open to nurturing yourself by giving and receiving!

Slim People At Risk For Fat Related Health Problems?

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Do you assume that because someone is thin that they are also fit? Well, hold on to your hat, researchers are saying that many thin people have the same heart disease risk and type 2 diabetes risk as obese people. In fact, they say that some thin people are at higher risk than sumo wrestlers! The reason? Intra-abdominal fat.
According to Dr. Jimmy Bell, a professor of molecular imaging at Imperial College London, “being thin deosn’t aurtomatically mean you’re not fat”. It’s what’s inside that makes a difference to your health. Internal fat surrounding vital organs such as the heart and liver can be as dangerous as the fat that you see. Since 1994, Dr. Bell and his collegues have been mapping the fat stores of people to show where people store fat. They have scanned and recorded more than 800 people.

When most people gain weight, the fat is subcutaneous and we see it. We have known for years that a person who gains fat around the middle of their body is at increased risk for heart disease etc., but this was viewed as an obesity related issue. Now, it’s clear that even thin people are at risk.

Of the women scanned in the study, 45% of those with normal body mass indices (BMI) had excessive levels of internal fat. Of the men? 60%!
Dr. Bell’s research indicates that people who control their weight with diet rather than exercise are likely to have major deposits of fat around their internal organs, no matter how slim they appear on the outside. This leads us to the idea that exercise is the key to controlling levels of fat you can see and fat you can’t see.

What’s the difference in the health risks of subcutaneous fat and intra-abdominal fat?

The metabolic characteristics of intra-abdominal fat are different from subcutaneous fat (the stuff you see). Intra-abdominal fat releases free fatty acids to drain directly into the liver, whereas subcutaneous fat drains into the systemic circulation. The influx of free fatty acids in the liver results in overproduction of very low density lipoprotein, and retention of low density lipoprotein, the “bad cholesterols” in the bloodstream. This can also lead to a lower level of high density lipoprotein, the “good cholesterol”.

This research offers a possible explanation for, while the population in developing South East Asian countries still have lower rates of obesity, have a high per capita incidence of Type II diabetes and heart disease. Of course, smoking is still prevalent in this region as well…

What to do? Exercise and eat healthily! And remember… Muscles burn fat.
Around age 35, unless maintained through exercise, the body begins to lose muscle and gain fat. Since muscles require energy where as fat cells act as energy storage, a person who stays slim by dieting will require fewer calories as they lose muscle. Over the years, the metabolism slows down because the body has less muscle to burn energy. Any extra energy will be stored as fat somewhere even if it’s not visible to the naked eye.

If the muscle mass is maintained, the body will simply use fat rather than store it.
It’s a simple concept, really…. Dieting may keep a body slim; but healthy eating and a combination of aerobic and resistance exercise keeps a body slim, strong and disease resistant. Hmmm…just more proof that exercise keeps you younger.

Demystifying Health, Wealth & Happiness --- Writing Your Way To A Radical New Existence


Use writing to reveal what's keeping the law of attraction from working in your life. Be ready to receive, not just ask for better health, more wealth, and greater joy.
By Marilyn Schwader

I’m the queen of “Shelf-Help”, those bookcases full of material from seminars, workshops, and the Internet that guarantee your success if you just do ________ [fill in the blank]. Oh, I’ve benefited from most of what I’ve read and listened to. However, I wouldn’t have bought the next best thing if I had found the magic cure in what I’d already purchased. Despite my years of listening to and reading all that wisdom, there has still been something that has held me back in truly having the life those books and CDs lead you to believe you can have.

Recent events in my life have finally begun to reveal what’s been missing. The fact is, the answer to why the law of attraction hadn’t been working for me was so basic, I can’t believe I didn’t see it years ago. It’s not the idea of asking for what you want, or trusting that the universe will always provide—-because it does. What has been the missing ingredient is to be prepared to RECEIVE what it is I’m asking for. In the past, I had not created the container to hold what it is I’d been asking for.

I’ll give you an example. About a year ago, I recommended the DVD movie “The Secret” to a friend. A few weeks later, we met for lunch. I had started dating again and she asked what it was I was asking for in a new relationship. “Physically attractive, intellectually stimulating, emotionally available, and spiritually expanding,” I replied. Then I added, “But I just don’t believe that there’s anyone out there who has all of those things.”

“How can you possibly attract what you want when you don’t believe it exists?” she exclaimed. Busted. I was neutralizing all my good thoughts with one statement of disbelief.
How does this look in other areas of life? How many instant millionaires are back to their previous debt level within two years? What about the relationship that seems perfect in the first six months, then slowly deteriorates in the next three? Have you ever asked for an increase in your income revenue, then something or someone seemed to sabotage your results? In each of these cases, it’s because the person receiving what they asked for wasn’t ready for what they got!

How many times have you blocked something from coming into your life because you weren’t ready at that point, even though it was really what you desired? If you are struggling in life, it’s because some fear is keeping you from receiving what you truly deserve and desire. I can guarantee it. You have to be ready to receive what you are asking for.

So, how can you know what’s blocking you? In my experience with my writing clients, one of the most effective ways of uncovering these obstacles is through the writing process. I have seen remarkable, almost miraculous changes in their businesses and personal lives once they were able to identify those blocks.

The writing method I encourage is very simple, yet remarkably effective. It’s journaling with soul. Anyone can do it, and if done with regularity, within two to three months you’ll see shifts in your own business and life. Here’s how to start… just pick up a paper and pen (better than a computer to tap into your creative juices) and start writing in stream of consciousness. Write until you can’t write anymore, and DON’T STOP TO THINK! Just write everything that comes to you.

You’ll be amazed at the jewels that spring up when you write like this. The next step is to take each jewel and write again in stream of consciousness about that idea. Each time you do this, you refine your idea into a theme with critical beliefs. There’s more to the process, but for now, just get started, and Write On!

Choosing A Hot Tub In Spain


The shape of modern Jacuzzi style Spas and Hot Tubs continues to evolve at quite a pace with manufacturers introducing more and more models in order to catch the peoples imagination with increasing Jets & Colours.

Some Hot Tubs are square say 2 metres by 2 metres and comparably shallow holding just over some 200 Gallons whilst others are exactly the same size but much deeper holding 300 Gallons.
Some hot Tubs are rectangular and indeed any shape is available that the Hot Tub manufactures believe will generate interest in the market place. For example there are octagonal and now deep round shapes. Also there are Swim Spas those that have a dedicated Swimming area with a special Hot Tub Massage area which are now becoming very popular.

The original Hot Tubs of years ago were circular and made out of wood like very large beer barrels and today some modern Hot Tubs are produced in that shape also. These round Hot Tubs provide a great deep Tub with plenty of Jets and a great Hydro massage effect. At the same time they are very good for friends and the family to get together and have a chat.
Some of the many other things to consider when choosing a Hot Tub are the combination of colours available not only for the shell but also to the cabinet. Some Hot Tub suppliers / manufacturers have quite a limited choice in colours but it is possible to get literally any colour in the shell of a modern Hot Tub.

Do you want a flag say the Spanish Flag perhaps or the British Flag perhaps the Irish Flag or the French Tri-Colour through the shell of your very own Hot Tub of course it is all possible today? Perhaps the colours of your favourite football team or indeed a real life example the racing colours of the Kawasaki Motor Bike racing colours.

Anything is possible today in the modern market place for the consumer to specify exactly the Hot Tub that they want.

Do you want to be able to specify the Jets in your Hot Tub and more than that there location? Yes you can choose the combination and the placing of the Jets in the latest modern Hot Tubs. This gives the consumer the chance to choose exactly what they want and have a Hot Tub custom built for them. No longer is one restricted to the standard ideas made by the manufacturers who are only interested in mass production.

Next time you are looking for a Jacuzzi style Spa - Hot Tub why don’t you look out for the new round shapes and the very varied colours that are becoming available.